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Cerebral Stroke

What is Cerebral Stroke?

An interruption or reduction in the supply of blood to the brain causes a cerebral stroke. This lack of supply results in the lack of oxygen or nutrients to the brain and leads to dying of brain cells. Blood flow could also be affected as a result of a ruptured artery to the brain, or blockage.

Although it is a common medical issue, a healthy lifestyle can effectively prevent it.

Strokes are divided into three kinds namely ischemic Stroke, haemorrhagic stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA). A cerebral stroke is an emergency that calls for immediate attention by a specialist.


The following symptoms indicate a cerebral stroke:

  • A feeling of numbness or paralysis on the face, leg, or arm.

  • Difficulty in seeing from one or both eyes.

  • A persistent headache.

  • Trouble walking, speaking, or understanding.

  • Dizziness, or lack of coordination.

  • Difficulty controlling bladder or bowel movements.

  • Depression.

  • Paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the body.


The main causes for cerebral stroke include:

  • An inactive lifestyle.

  • Obesity or being overweight.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

  • Illicit drug abuse.

  • High blood pressure.

  • Consumption of tobacco.

  • High cholesterol levels.

  • Diabetes.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Cardiovascular diseases.

  • A family history and age are other risk factors.


The main risk factors for this disease include:

  • High blood pressure.

  • Diabetes.

  • Smoking.

  • Obesity.

How is it diagnosed?

At Omgeneum Brain Center, the first step of diagnosis is a physical examination to understand the patient’s medical and family history. Further diagnostic tests include:

  • Blood tests

  • CT (Computed Tomography) scan

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan

  • Carotid ultrasound.

  • Cerebral angiogram

  • Echocardiogram


Stem Cell Treatment for Strokes

Stem cell treatment for Brain Strokes offers an effective alternative medical treatment to target and repair the brain tissue damage to try and recover lost functions along with measurable neurological improvements.

Traditional treatments for stroke patients can only manage the symptoms but cannot do much to try to repair the damaged tissue or replace the dead cells. Exosome therapy using neural stem cell growth factors help target the underlying cause of the patient’s injury and not just mask the symptoms. Neural stem cell transplants are safe and painless to inject and have shown to survive transplantation and begin differentiating into new neurons in the patients brain tissue. 

Implantation Of Stem Cells: The stem cell implantation can be done in the following ways.

Intravenous administration
Intrathecal (lumber puncture)
Liberation angioplasty
Surgical administration for stroke

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