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Parkinson’s Disease

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. This disease affects the way you move because of inadequate production of dopamine, which is an important chemical that sends signals to the part of the brain that controls movement. Parkinson’s is a progressive disease whose symptoms take few years to surface.

Parkinson’s is an illness that affects the central nervous system with a direct blow on the brain, and spinal cord and usually only affects adults. More specifically, this disease damages a group of nerve cells in the deepest part of the brain called the Basal Ganglia. There are quiet a few reasons leading to Parkinson’s disease, including aging and poisons in the environment. To cure Parkinson’s disease, stem cell treatment is highly popular.

These nerve cells make and use a brain chemical called dopamine to send messages to other parts of the brain to coordinate body movements. When someone suffers from Parkinson’s disease, the dopamine levels are low. So, the body doesn’t get the right messages required to move normally.


The following are the symptoms and signs of this disease:

Tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and postural instability.
Bradykinesia (slow movement or reduction of spontaneous movement).
Rigidity in limbs, neck, and trunk.
Pain and postural instability.
Excessive sweating, constipation, and gastrointestinal dysmotility.


The cause of the disease is unknown, although environmental and genetic factors appear to play a slight role. The probable causes of the disease are:

Genetic variations.
Environmental factors.
Exposure to certain toxins.


The risks factors of this disease are:

  • Age: people around 60 years of age are at an increased risk.

  • Heredity.

  • Exposure to certain toxins.

  • Gender: Males are most likely to get affected.

How is it diagnosed?

There is no medical test that clearly identifies the disease.

Our doctors may diagnose the disease in the following ways

  • Brain scans

  • An imaging test (such as a CT scan or an MRI) may be used to check for signs of a stroke or brain tumor.
    PET, sometimes may detect low levels of dopamine in the brain, a key feature of Parkinson’s. 

  • Neurological examination

  • Blood tests may be done to check for abnormal thyroid hormone levels or liver damage.

  • Physical examination

How does Omgeneum Brain Center provide care?

Omgeneum ensures expert care and the best treatment facilities for its Alzheimer’s patients at the Omgeneum Brain Center and Omgeneum  Institute of Neurosciences. 

In Omgeneum Brain Center, we use the unique technology of Mesenchymal stem cells extracted from Wharton’s jelly for treating Parkinson’s Disease. Wharton’s jelly offers cost-effective and pain-free collection method that may be cryogenic ally stored, and is extremely favorable for tissue engineering purpose. They might help in the three prominent ways – prevent damage, repair damage and develop new medicines. The treatment will take place in multiple steps comprising of the following.

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